How to Avoid Gout
Things You'll Need
- Black Cherry Concentrate
- Omega-3 Fish Oil
- Bromelain
- Activated Charcoal
- Fairly Strict Diet
Cut out red meats, shell fish, liver, cokes, coffee, oily fish such as mackerel, herring, and cod. I suggest that you go on a 30day protein fast.
Good Foods: Cherries, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Pineapple (Source of Bromelain), Green Leafy Vegetables, Carrots, Celery (If you can get Celery seed it too is very good), strawberry
Rush out to your local heath foods store or shop on the internet for the following items:
Black Cherry Concentrate, Bromelain, Omega-3 Fish Oil (Strangely enough the fish oil is good, the fish is bad), Activated Charcoal, and a bunch of water.
Your goal is to flush your system of Uric Acid. For the next 30days you only drink straight water or water mixed with Black Cherry Concentrate. The first objective is to raise the pH of your body from Acidic to Alkaline. I simply start the morning with a bottle of water with a 1/2 .tsp of baking soda mixed in (*If you are on a Sodium restricted diet you may not want to do this). About an hour or so later I take about 2400mg of Omega-3 fish oil and 1000mg of Bromelain. Around lunch I take appx 600mg of activated charcoal with my low protein lunch.
Through out the day you need to be drinking as much water as you can handle... All Day long.
If you have had a Gout attack there is a very high chance that you will continue to have them if you don't change your diet and loose weight. Spend 30 days flush your system and watch your protein intake and make sure that your bodies pH level is between 6.75 and 7.5. Make the supplements above a regular part of your life and you will greatly reduce the chance of getting a gout attack