How to find alternatives to Hydroxycut for fat loss
Things You'll Need
- Access to reputable websites with accurate medical information.
- A health care professional to discuss fat loss supplements.
Review the nutritional facts of the fat loss supplement to determine the ingredients. All of the components of the supplement must be listed on the bottle. Many fat loss supplements take a "throw everything at it including the kitchen sink" approach and include upwards of 20 different ingredients.
Determine the effects of each ingredient by searching the ingredient name on the internet. Focus on well known sites that provide unbiased information. Wikipedia, WebMD, and PubMed are a few I recommend you start with.
Once you've determined what each ingredient does, consider looking for clinical studies to determine if there is any proof the ingredient actually working in humans. Also be on the lookout for ingredients that require substantial doses, yet are only present in small traces of fat supplements. PubMed, a service of the US National Library of Medicine, provides clinical study results published in peer reviewed medical publications. Another option is to Google the name of the supplement and the term "clinical study".
Review the list of the ingredients you've researched. Are there ingredients that you are interested in, but are concerned about additional ingredients that are lumped in? Consider buying those ingredients you are interested in separately. For example, green tea is a major component of many fat loss supplements ... but it is generally less expensive if you buy it as a standalone supplement. You may end up taking more pills, but it can be much cheaper in the long run.
Discuss adding any new fat loss supplement to your diet with a health professional, especially if you have any preexisting medical conditions or are taking prescription medication.
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