Diet Supplements for Men
Appetite suppressants are one of the most popular diet supplements for men. They are taken right before or in between meals to keep you from overeating.
Protein Powder
Protein powder is used for a couple reasons. First of all, it is used to help you feel full longer, which will cause you to eat fewer calories. Secondly, it is also used to help build muscle. This will cause metabolism to increase which will aid in weight loss.
Men use green tea to help reduce their food cravings, which can lead to weight loss. The extract in green tea is also used in pill form.
There are some supplements that men use that give them increased energy and naturally boost metabolism. They are called stimulants. One common stimulant is caffeine.
Carb Blockers
Carb blockers are used to block the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. When carbs are not absorbed, they do not count as calories in the body.
Fat Blockers
Fat blockers work the same as carb blockers, except they block the absorption of fat instead. They often have an ingredient in them called chitosan, which absorbs the fat and escorts it out of the body.