Are Protein Bars Healthy?
Safe for All Ages
Protein bars are healthy and safe for most people. Because the ingredients are listed on the packaging, there are no mysterious ingredients such as hormones.
Protein is Essential
Protein is one of three essential types of macronutrients (in addition to carbohydrates and fats). Protein helps your body grow and maintain muscle, as well as recover from injury and function at a maximum level.
Low in Calories
Many protein bars are also low in calories. Consisting largely of whey protein and only minimal elements that serve to add texture and taste, some protein bars pack only a small caloric load, making them great for diets or snacks.
Additional Vitamins and Minerals
In addition to protein, most protein bars include other important vitamins and minerals. This will help you stay healthy and promote total body wellness.
Meal Replacement
Some protein bars can also be used as meal replacement bars. If you're on the run and don't have time for breakfast, lunch or dinner, grab a protein bar and be satisfied while taking in a lot of nutrients.