What Vitamins Will Stop Hair From Thinning?

Many products on the market make wild claims about hair loss. Educating yourself will not only save your wallet from thinning, it may also save your hair. Preventative measures are the best way to keep your hair and jump start hair growth. Choosing the correct vitamins and minerals can be vital to keeping a full head of healthy hair. You do not have to accept your thinning hair.
  1. Hair Loss

    • To truly understand which vitamins will stop hair thinning, you must understand hair growth, structure and hair loss. Alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, may be genetic, but there is no reason to accept defeat. Being educated on the right vitamins and minerals your body needs can prevent thinning and hair loss. You might just need more B vitamins.

    Structure of the Hair

    • Hair is composed of 90 percent protein. The proteins are made from amino acids. Hair grows from cells originating in the hair follicle. The main elements that make up human hair are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. There are many components that make up hair, but with hair loss, the most important is the dermal papilla. The dermal papilla contains blood and nerve supply that provides nutrients needed for hair growth.

    Getting to the Root of the Problem

    • The most common type of hair loss is called Androgenic Alopecia. It is the result of genetics, age and hormonal changes. This causes miniaturization of hair, changing it into soft downy hair, like the hair on your hands. An unhealthy diet may also contribute to hair loss. Blood circulation plays an important role in hair thinning. If the dermal papilla is not receiving enough blood supply, the hair follicle dies and can never grow back. Hair thinning is caused by lack of circulation in the scalp. If treated early on, hair loss may be prolonged and even prevented.

    Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

    • There are several vitamin supplements for hair growth on the market. Now that you understand what your hair needs and why it is thinning, you can decide how to treat the problem. Niacin is a type of Vitamin B; it helps the body in many areas, including the digestive system, skin and the nervous system. Niacin is found naturally in dairy, lean meats, poultry and nuts. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells and is also an option. Cayenne is known to increase blood circulation. Help your hair stay strong with B-6, biotin, folic acid and beta-carotene. Soy is also known to increase the strength and elasticity of hair.

    Other Remedies for Hair Loss

    • A scalp massage can do wonders for blood circulation. Getting a deep conditioning treatment at your local salon can also help prevent thinning. Many professional shampoos and conditioners already contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for hair loss prevention. Giving yourself a rigorous shampoo in the shower will also help maintain blood circulation to your scalp on a daily basis.

      There are also two prescription drugs for hair growth--Minoxidil and Finasteride. Consult your doctor on the side effects and treatments.

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