Effects of Dietary Supplements
Many people have poor eating habits that can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Being deficient in vitamins can increase risk factors for diseases and it can also lead to unhealthy hair, nails, skin and eyes.
A popular dietary supplement is a multivitamin. These act as a one-stop-shop for people who want to get all of their vitamins in one pill. Taking these will help you get all the essential nutrients you need if you do not get them naturally from your diet. They are also made specifically for a woman's and a man's needs.
Women who are pregnant often take a prenatal vitamin that has a proprietary blend of beneficial vitamins. A few of those vitamins are folic acid, iron and calcium which are all beneficial for the growth of the fetus.
Weight trainers use a few different supplements after workouts and during the course of the day. Some of these include protein powder, creatine, glutamine and nitric oxide. All of these supplements lead to muscle repair, muscle growth and more energy for workouts.
Fish Oil
Fish oil, also known as Omega-3 fatty acid, is another supplement of choice for many people. They are used to lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, elevate mood and increase brain function.
The antioxidants are used to boost the body's immune system which can lead to fewer colds, infections and flus. The antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, C and beta carotene.