Benefits of Powdered Wheatgrass
As more people turn to natural health and nutrition, the subject of wheat grass comes up. Chain retail stores that sell smoothies often offer "shots of wheatgrass" at rather high prices. People run into these stores in a hurry to get their "shot" of wheatgrass for the day. Wheatgrass powder can be purchased at any natural food store. Getting two or three doses of wheat grass a day has great health benefits. This article is for those who are serious about getting the real facts about wheatgrass rather than the "fad" explanations.-
Natural Benefits of Wheatgrass
When some people speak of taking a "shot of wheatgrass," they often will say that it makes them feel good and gives them energy. When pushed to explain what it does, they will say that it "cleans out your system". This "hearsay" answer obviously is not good enough. Simply saying that wheat grass contains antioxidants does not come close to describing the detoxifying and healing effects of wheat grass.
Digestive System
In fact, wheatgrass helps to restore the proper pH balance in the digestive system. This balance of acidity and base that keeps the proper acidic level is essential to keeping the proper balance of bacteria in the intestinal tracts. If there is too much "bad bacteria," this bacteria produces toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and go throughout the body, contributing to many long-term illnesses and even affecting mental health. There is too much emphasis in America on protein in the diet. This excess protein stays in the intestines. The "bad bacteria" feeds on it. Overuse of antibiotics can produce the other kind of imbalance by killing off too much of the "bad bacteria." This "bad bacteria" is needed to keep the "good bacteria" from overgrowing. If it overgrows, people will suffer from a condition known as Candida overgrowth, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb the nutrition it needs from the intestines. Too much white, processed wheat flour, also, clogs up the intestines and can cause nutritional deficiencies.
Restoring Balance
Wheatgrass has alkaline in it that helps to kill off the "bad bacteria" by restoring the acidic level. This inhibits the growth of the "bad bacteria" and encourages the growth of "good bacteria". This helps to restore the proper balance. In general, wheatgrass is known for helping to "clean out" the digestive system to restore balance. This includes the fact that wheatgrass is very high in fiber, which is essential for proper bowel movement function.
Immune System
Wheatgrass is an amazing source of essential nutrients. It strengthens the immune system. It has enzymes that help the body to digest food properly. It has all the essential amino acids necessary for cell growth. It is one of the best natural sources of iron. It is a rich source of minerals and vitamins including folic acid and vitamin C.
Good Health
Some people mix wheatgrass powder in a little water and drink it. This is where the expression, "a shot of wheatgrass" comes from. It is better to add it to hot, herb tea or fruit juice. These beverages will add extra body cleansing and nutritional value to your wheatgrass. Wheatgrass helps to bring a person to good health. Using wheatgrass with a balanced, healthy diet will help a person to stay healthy and can become a part of someone's life for the rest of their life.