About Flaxseed Toxicity
One of the first symptoms of flaxseed toxicity is an upset stomach. This may be coupled with nervousness or extreme fatigue.
Raw Flaxseeds and Water
Because of chemical reactions between raw flaxseed and water, avoid drinking water at least an hour before and an hour after eating raw flaxseed, as this can cause the cyanide properties naturally present in flaxseed to increase. However, there isn't an increased danger when drinking water with cooked flaxseed, brewed flaxseed or flaxseed oil.
Respiratory Failure
Respiratory failure can be caused by flaxseed toxicity because of the prussic acid in the flaxseed.
In extreme cases, death may occur when a large quantity of flaxseed is consumed. However, this is more common in livestock than in humans.
If you want to reap the benefits of flaxseed without the risk of toxicity, consider using flaxseed oil. Once flaxseed is pressed into oil, the cyanogenic glycosides become inactive.