The Health Benefits of Silica
Silica is important in the development of the skeletal system. Without it, there are bone deformities.
If there's an imbalance between the calcium and magnesium in the body, it causes disturbances in the hormonal system. Silica restores the two to a balanced state.
The body can't assimilate phosphorous as easily without silica. Phosphorous is important in making bones, repairing tissue and filtering waste.
Research finds that silica may be more important for osteoporosis than calcium. Silica does the job of depositing minerals into the bone and speeds healing, if there's a fracture.
The addition of silica to the diet not only might restore the ability of the body to remineralize, but it also relieves the pain of osteoporosis.
Plump Skin
Silica is one of the primary components of collagen, the connective tissues for your skin. It may help to retain moisture and keep you looking younger.
Hair & Nails
Silica is a major element in hair and nails. If you have enough silica in your body, you have the building blocks for strong, healthy nails and hair.