Yohimbine vs. Yohimbe
Yohimbe is a Tree
Yohimbe is an evergreen tree that grows in regions of Africa. Yohimbe bark taken from the trees is sold and used in various supplements and medicines.
Yohimbine is a Component of Yohimbe
Yohimbine on the other hand is the main alkaloid within yohimbe. It is the active component that produces the desired effects from yohimbe bark.
Yohimbe Bark as a Holistic Medicine
Yohimbe bark has been used for hundreds of years as a holistic, herbal medicine. It has been used for many different applications including as an aphrodisiac and as a ritualistic hallucinogen.
Yohimbine Acts as a Receptor Blocker
As a receptor blocker, it blocks the path of neurotransmitters, specifically of epinephrine, and causes epinephrine to therefore have a higher circulation level in blood, which leads to a higher heart rate, among other effects.
Yohimbine for Sexual Dysfunction
Yohimbine has been used in various treatments for sexual dysfunction and as an active ingredient in prescription drugs targeting erectile dysfunction.