When Should a Person Take Creatine?
Some people who lift weights and don't eat a lot of meat do not get a sufficient amount of creatine. This is often seen with strict vegetarians or vegans.
Creatine is also used by people who are called "hard gainers." They have a really hard time gaining weight and resort to creatine to add on some pounds.
Loading Phase
The first step in using creatine is the loading phase. In this phase, you are loading the body and muscle cells with creatine. The average amount is 20 to 30 g a day spread out over 2 to 4 servings. The loading phase usually lasts for 5 to 7 days.
During the maintenance phase, you take about 2 to 5 g a day. This usually taken in two doses, one of them immediately after training.
Creatine should be taken for a series of weeks, then you should get off it for a series of weeks. An example would be 4 weeks on and 3 weeks off.
Creatine should be taken with some form of sugary substance that is high on the glycemic index. This helps drive it to the muscle cells quicker. Fruit juice is a good option.