Growth Hormone Supplements
The growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain. It is also responsible for how consumed food is utilized. However, its primary function is to encourage the increase in the size of the body. This particular task is most apparent in children, where the growth hormone is responsible for building up tissue and the development of muscle and bone. This is done by the production of protein in the muscle cells and release of energy. If there is a shortage in growth hormone, growth of the body will be stunted or delayed.
Growth hormone supplements are given to people who suffer from growth hormone deficiencies. If it has been identified that someone has a shortage of growth hormones, supplements can be given to promote development. These are usually most effective with children whose bodies have not yet fully matured. In some cases, growth hormone supplements are used by people such as athletes to increase the mass of their muscle and decrease body fat.
Medical Conditions
Some medical conditions require the use of growth hormone supplements for their symptoms to be alleviated. One of the most common is human growth hormone deficiency, when the body is unable to produce the hormone on its own. This can be caused by a congenital defect or an external situation that damages the pituitary gland, such as a tumor or surgery. Problems in the chromosomes can also require the use of growth hormone supplements. For example, Prader-Willi syndrome is a disorder in which some of the genes that should be in Chromosome 15 are missing, resulting in morbid obesity and mental difficulty.
Side Effects
Because of various side effects, the use of growth hormone supplements should be supervised by a doctor. Children who have been given these supplements before they reach adolescence are at risk for gigantism, or excessive growth. Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure can also be experienced. Other serious side effects from the use of growth hormone supplements are nerve disease and lung disease.
The most effective way of administering growth hormone supplements in the body is through the use of syringes. However, this can be a quite expensive method, and the cost of annual treatment can run in the thousands of dollars. Because of this, there is an increased demand for other forms of growth hormone supplements, in the hope of finding one at a reduced price. It should be noted that other treatments, such as those given through oral medication, are generally thought of as useless. When it is taken orally, the growth hormone is digested by the stomach, making it ineffective. Supplements that are not injected are not always true growth hormones; rather, they function to stimulate the body's glands to produce more growth hormones.