Dangers of Fahrenheit Thermogenic Supplements
Weight Loss Ingredient
One of the ingredients that makes Fareinheit stand out amongst thermogenic supplements is A7-E Super-Thermogenic Gel, described a compound that acts as a metabolism activator. This compound is relatively new, which means there are few studies about it and little is known about its properties.
Proprietary Formula Remains a Mystery
The formula for Fahrenheit is proprietary, which means it is not available for public knowledge. This means that while we know the entire formula contains 750 mg per serving, we don' t have information about the ratios of each of the ingredients, or how much of what is in each pill.
Not Approved by the FDA
Fahrenheit's thermogenic supplements do not have approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not backed by any formal clinical studies or research. And while some research does exist about each particular ingredient in Fahrenheit, there is nothing to suggest that Fahrenheit's specific formulation is safe.
User Reviews Offer a Mixed Bag
Bulletin boards and forums like those on dietblogtalk.com or Nutricraze.com offer up a mixed bag when discussing Fareinheit. While some claim it is the answer to their weight loss prayers, others attribute its use to mood fluctuations, irritability and a sense of agitation. User reviews indicate that the combination of caffeine and other ingredients may be overwhelming to some people's systems, and may be particularly harmful to those who are sensitive to caffeine.
Talk to Your Doctor
No two people are alike, and there is no telling your body's reaction to new substances. This is why it is essential that a doctor review your medical history to see if it conflicts with the ingredients in Fareinheit's thermogenic supplements.