How to Take Multipower Creatine Powder
Things You'll Need
- Shaker cup
Pre-load the system. When taking Multipower creatine powder, the first thing you need to do is go through what's called the loading phase. This is a period of time where you take an abundance of creatine to load the body with it to make sure it is in good supply. For this period, take 5 grams a day spread over 2 to 4 servings.
Take it regularly. Now that the loading phase is over, it is time for what's called the maintenance phase. This will now be the regular daily amount. For this phase, take 2 grams a day spread over two servings.
Take early and after workouts. Regardless if it is the loading phase or the maintenance phase, the best time to take Multipower creatine is a after workouts and first thing in the morning. After workouts, take it in conjunction with a post-workout shake that contains high glycemic carbohydrates. This will speed the uptake to the muscle cells.
Mix in with food. An example of this would be mixing it in with oatmeal or cereal in the morning. You can also mix it in with cottage cheese or yogurt. This works out well with the loading phase.
Cycle it. The loading phase should be done for 1 week, then the maintenance phase should be followed for 3 to 5 weeks. After this time period is over, get off it for about 4 weeks. Then start all over again.
Choose your beverage. Other than being mixed with food or post-workout shakes, Multipower creatine powder can be taken by itself. Just pour some water or juice to a glass, add the powder, and stir it up. You can also use a shaker cup, which is convenient to take to the gym.