Vitamins Good for Acne

We smear creams on it, scrub it with soap and even take pills for it. It's acne, and it's every teenager's worst nightmare. Surprisingly, there are ways that you can fight acne naturally, by introducing certain vitamins into your diet. There are five specific vitamins that can help treat and prevent acne the most: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, zinc, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B5.
  1. Vitamin A

    • Vitamin A reduces your skin's oil production, and it also strengthens the protective tissue in your skin. Therefore, adding Vitamin A to your diet can make your skin stronger and less oily. In addition, Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps to flush toxins from your body, making your skin healthier and less prone to breakouts.

    Vitamin E

    • Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that flushes toxins from your body. In addition, it repairs damage to your skin and helps to heal it, which can minimize the long-term effects of acne on your skin.


    • Zinc is also an antioxidant, and a potent one. It regulates your oil glands, which is an important component in stopping breakouts before they start.

    Vitamin B2

    • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) keeps your skin, nails and hair healthy. Acne is one of the main symptoms of a riboflavin deficiency.

    Vitamin B5

    • Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic Acid) reduces stress. Because stress is one of the major contributors to acne, Vitamin B5 can minimize breakouts.

    Obtaining These Vitamins

    • Carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and spinach all include Vitamin A, while nuts, seeds and certain types of oil include Vitamin E. To add zinc to your diet, try eating oysters, red meat, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Dairy foods contain Vitamin B2, while oranges, bananas and many vegetables are good sources of Vitamin B5. While natural sources are the best ways to obtain these vitamins, you can also take supplements for a similar effect.

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