Omega 3 Fatty Acid Side Effects
Gastrointestinal Complaints
If you're getting your extra doses of omega 3 fatty acids through fish oil supplements, you may experience some minor stomach problems. Gas, diarrhea and bloating are common.
You may bleed or develop bruises more easily if you use omega 3 and also take blood thinning medications or have a blood clotting disorder. Speak to your doctor about the safety of omega 3 supplements if you fall into this group.
Glucose Levels
One of the side effects of supplementing your diet with omega 3 fatty acids is having a fasting blood glucose level that is higher than normal. This may be a problem to discuss with your doctor if you have diabetes.
Stroke is a very rare side effect that can occur if you consume extraordinarily large amounts of omega 3 daily. UMMC reports that this risk is heightened only if you take in more than 3 g--the equivalent of three fish dinners--each day.
Some side effects from taking omega 3 supplements, including flaxseed oil, can be avoided through timing your supplements carefully. Take all other medications and wait at least an hour before supplementing with omega 3.