Health Benefits of L-Arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and can also be found in foods we eat. If you tend to eat a balanced diet you probably have more than enough l-arginine in your diet. However, sometimes supplements need to be taken in order to get what you need. The following are the health benefits of l-arginine, reminders of why you need this amino acid.
  1. Immune System

    • L-arginine helps to boost the immune system by raising the activity level of the thymus gland. This increases the number of T-cells in the body, which slows down tumor growths and benefits the immune system.


    • L-arginine is especially beneficial for men when dealing with fertility. It helps to increase sperm count, making it ideal for men who have a naturally low sperm count.

    Cardiovascular Health

    • L-arginine promotes healthy nitric oxide synthesis. This helps to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to the heart and the brain.

    Weight Loss

    • L-arginine helps to metabolize protein in the body, which lowers fat in the body as a result. Taking this as a supplement is great for those looking to lose weight.


    • L-arginine has been known to heal surgical wounds faster, and taking it as a supplement will help heal other wounds and burns.

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