How to Stay Healthy Taking Cod Liver Oil
Things You'll Need
- 1 Tablespoon
- Emulsified Cod Liver Oil
- orange juice
The first thing to understand about Cod Liver Oil is that it isn't the best tasting supplement in the world. But they have come along way from when I was a child taking it. They have several different flavors now that actually help mask the taste. They also make it in Emulsified formula which is so much easier to digest compared to the straight oil. I remember my mother giving this to us when we were kids. She used to give it to us every hour on the hour when we were sick, boy was it disgusting! But we never had to go on antibiotics and there were 7 of us. That in itself says something about this wonderful supplement.
Next, why is it important that we get this in our daily diet? Well it contains Vitamin D which has several benefits to keeping us healthy. Vitamin D has both properties of a vitamin and a hormone and is required for proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus. That's why they put Vitamin D in your milk right? Without the Vitamin D the calcium in the milk wouldn't absorb correctly. Vitamin D is necessary for growth and especially for the normal growth and development of teeth and bones in small children. It protects against muscle weakness, in regulating the heartbeat. It is also essential in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Breast cancer, colon cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hypocalcemia, it enhances immunity and is necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting. The only other sources of Vitamin D are either from the sun, or eating foods with it in it. Have you ever wondered why we get sick in the winter so easily. It's because our bodies are low in Vitamin D and we don't get enough of it from the sun. Living in the Northeast can be really tough to get enough sun during the winter months. Cod Liver Oil is a staple in my house at this time. My children understand how important this is to take for them to stay healthy. When they start to feel like they are coming down with something they come right to me have no qualms about taking it. They know they will be feeling better a lot sooner. I even have my husband take it when he starts to come down with something because he is prone to getting strep throat and it knocks it right out of him.
Third step in staying healthy by taking Cod Liver Oil is actually taking it. The kind I really like is by Twinlab and it's the Emulsified Norwegian Orange flavored. The best way I have found to take it is with orange juice. You can't even taste it. Goes down really easy. The kids actually like the taste and ask for it. Remembering to take it with calcium for better absorption. I have been taking Cod Liver Oil all my life and my kids have as well and I've only had to put one of my children on an antibiotic in 14 years. Moms out there really need to work this supplement into their child's diet early on. Even when they are infants now a days the doctors tell you when you breastfeed that you need to supplement with Vitamin D. Why not give them the Cod liver Oil it has a lot more benefits to it than giving them Vitamin D drops. It really surprises me even now how doctors look at you when you mention giving your children Cod Liver Oil. It's like your nuts. I'm not a doctor but I know what has worked in my life and what has worked for me with my children.
So if you live in a state that doesn't have a lot of sun in the winter and find you have trouble staying healthy or have a child that has a low immune system please go get yourself some Cod Liver Oil. Your body will thank you. Your children will thank you later on in life too. I didn't appreciate it at the time but I really praise God my mother had the knowledge and sense to keep us healthy by giving this to us.