Creatine Risks & Side Effects
Positive Side Effects
Creatine is a highly effective energy booster, so those taking it will experience increased energy and more durability for longer and intense workouts. Creatine is also extremely efficient at giving individuals a "bigger" appearance, which is useful for bodybuilders and many athletes.
Negative Side Effects
One common negative effect of creatine use is an increase in water weight. This might cause individuals to have a more bloated appearance and feel. Your muscles might feel softer as opposed to harder. Also, when people stop taking creatine, they will notice a dramatic and sharp decrease in their energy levels.
More Serious Side Effects
Some creatine users have reported more severe side effects to taking the supplement, such as painful cramps, muscle spasms and pulled muscles. However, research published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Medicine showed that in a group of twenty-six athletes taking creatine for between three and four years, there was absolutely no difference in terms of injury or muscle cramps compared with athletes not taking Creatine.
Though there really is no evidence that Creatine causes any serious side effects or risks, many users have reported experiencing upset stomach and digestive discomfort within their first few weeks of starting to use the creatine supplement. These digestive problems can be dealt with by lowering the amount of creatine intake.
Many people get the wrong idea about creatine and assume it is a drug similar to steroids (which is common with athletes and bodybuilders). However, creatine is not a hormonal supplement and therefore totally unlike legal steroids and other types of prohormones.