How to Make a detox diet for a whole body cleanse

This article gives a simple detox diet recipe that can be used to detoxify your body. The recipe can be used in place of meals for a 3 day diet as a body cleanse designed to produce an increase in energy level and an incredible sense of health and well-being. Reportedly, Beyonce Knowles used a similar detox diet as a 14 day natural weight loss program.

Things You'll Need

  • a lemon
  • natural maple syrup
  • cayenne pepper
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    • 1

      Squeeze the juice from 1/2 of a large lemon into a glass.
      (The lemon juice helps to detox your body)

    • 2

      Add 2 tablespoons of natural maple syrup to the lemon juice.
      (The syrup adds energy to the drink)

    • 3

      Add 1/8 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. (The cayenne pepper helps to speed up your metabolism and detoxify your body)

      Note: If you do not like the taste of cayenne pepper, some people substitute freshly ground ginger for this ingredient.

    • 4

      Fill the rest of the glass with water.

    • 5

      Stir until syrup is dissolved.

    • 6

      Enjoy your detox diet!

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