What Does Glutamine Do?
Glutamine is found in beef, poultry, fish and diary products. It is also found in vegetables high in fiber (wheat, cabbage, beets and beans). Glutamine has many immunity properties and can be a source of energy for the muscles and brain, as well as assist muscle building. These properties are why glutamine is used to treat mental retardation, ADHD, and depression, as well as build muscle for weightlifters.
Glutamine is the most abundant building block of protein in the bloodstream. The body produces it and it is available in common foods. However, when individuals must deal with surgeries, infections and prolonged periods of stress, glutamine supplementation may be necessary.
High levels of stress deplete the supply of glutamine in the body. Stress can come from sociological factors, cuts, burns, illness or recovering from a hard workout. Individuals under extreme stress suffer from muscle wasting as well as decreased immunity function. Since glutamine is necessary for proper immune function and muscle building, supplementation may be needed for those under extreme stress. Patients with advanced HIV/AIDS take glutamine supplements regularly.
Glutamine supplementation is not necessary for those who exercise at light to medium intensity. It is not necessary because glutamine is sufficiently produced by the body and is abundant in many food sources. Glutamine diets should be taken by those who excessively deplete energy levels during exercise, such as endurance athletes. Glutamine supplements can be taken by athletes involved in strength sports, such as American football and power lifting. However, creatine may be a better choice to cover the needs of power sports. Before deciding on a supplement, remember that a supplement is a complement or addition to an already proper nutritional plan. Take care of the diet first, as proper nutrition catalyzes nutrient absorption and delivery. Taking supplements while eating fast foods and drinking alcohol is like sprinkling flower petals on dung. The flowers may make it smell better, but it is still dung.
Glutamine supplements are available in pill, powder or liquid form. The recommended dosage is 500 mg to 1,500 mg per day, depending on weight. Heat destroys glutamine, so do not take glutamine supplements with hot beverages. Store in a cool, dry place as liquids can contaminate glutamine supplements as well. Consult your physician to be sure glutamine supplementation interacts safely with any current medications you may be taking.