Benefits of Creatine
Creatine supplements are taken in powder and pill form. The odorless powder does not dissolve well in liquids. Therefore, when consuming the powder form in liquid, stir and then drink quickly. When taken before a workout, the powder form is better, as the pill form releases the monohydrate into the bloodstream slower.
Creatine is a naturally-occurring organic acid found in the skeletal muscle of mammals. It can be ingested without nutritional supplements by consuming red meats, fish and fowl. When the amount of Creatine in the human body increases, muscle hydration increases as well, causing a rise in lean body mass (a gain of 5 to 10 pounds is not uncommon).
Creatine creates an energy reservoir in the form of built-up stores of phosphocreatine within the muscles. The body can then endure more intense exercise routines. After the workout, the muscles need to heal and grow to prepare for similar workouts, and the muscles grow best in a hydrated environment. Since creatine creates a hydrated environment within the muscles, creatine supplements enhance protein synthesis and growth.
An evening of alcohol consumption can ruin the gains produced by creatine supplements. Alcohol consumption dehydrates the body, effectively negating muscle recovery and growth. Avoid excess alcohol consumption or any other activity that may cause dehydration when taking creatine supplements.
Expert Insight
Any creatine controversy lies in the loading phase. The loading phase requires an individual to consume 20 to 25 grams daily for the first 5 days. Many doctors believe this loading phase will create a toxic body environment. If you experience diarrhea during this phase, cut back. That said, when taken in moderation, pure creatine supplementation is safe and effective.
Cheap, poorly-manufactured creatine products are easily contaminated by the inclusion of heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium and lead. Only purchase pure creatine monohydrate as poorly-manufactured products can cause many heavy metal toxicities. Creatine should not be taken by pregnant women or women who are nursing. It should also be kept out of the reach of children. Creatine products should be stored in a dry place cooler or equal to room temperature.