How to Eat While Taking Creatine
Add carbohydrates to your diet. Your body needs extra energy to convert the creatine into creatinine. The best way for your body to get more energy is from carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads and cereals.
Add fresh fruits to your diet. You should refrain from eating citrus fruits, such as oranges, for at least two hours before and two hours after taking creatine. Any other fruit, such as bananas, help your body to convert the creatine properly.
Eat more fresh vegetables. Your body needs the nutrients in the vegetables to function properly while it is trying to cope with the extra creatine.
Monitor your protein intake. Creatine is a naturally occurring component in meat. If you are taking a creatine supplement, you need to ensure that your creatine levels stay within acceptable limits. Talk to your doctor to determine what the limits are for you as these vary with age, gender and various conditions.
Get medical attention if you notice that you are short of breath, have severe muscle cramps or unusual headaches, as you may need blood tests to check your creatine levels.