How to Stimulate Testosterone
Diet appropriately to stimulate testosterone production. Protein is good, but should be paired with high carbohydrate and low fat intake as well. These vitamins must be a part of the diet: vitamin A, B6, vitamin C, boron, zinc and branched-chain amino acids whether taken through food or supplements. Also get good fats in the diet, meaning monounsaturated and omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fats.
Train in the morning. Testosterone levels are generally higher in the morning according to studies. Testosterone is also increased after a resistance training workout, or weight lifting, because the muscle mass that's being worked releases the testosterone.
Do multi-joint exercises when working with weights such as squats and hang cleaning. It releases more testosterone than isolated movements. Also have a short rest time in between sets even if it means decreasing the amount of weight--rest time should be about one minute. It's a catch 22 because higher weight also leads to more testosterone, so keep weight up as high as possible with short rest times. Keep in mind, time under tension which must range between 40 and 70 seconds.
Maintain a healthy weight. As people get older and more overweight, testosterone levels begin to drop. Exercise to gain lean muscle and fat loss.
Use healthy alternatives for testosterone injections, gels or other replacements. For building muscle use creatine monohydrate. For vitality and energy use multivitamins and for sex drive use something your doctor recommends.
Practice self control and stress management. Stress leads to cortisol production and that leads to low testosterone production. High blood pressure from stress and other causes also lowers testosterone.