How to Choose Supplements for Diabetes
Take a multivitamin. Whether you have diabetes or not, it's a good idea to take a daily multivitamin. For those who are diabetic, it's a great idea. To get the full benefits, make sure that your multivitamin provides you with lots of B vitamins, vitamins E and C, biotin, chromium, magnesium and zinc. All of these nutrients have been shown to have an especially beneficial effect on diabetics.
Take cinnamon if your blood sugar remains high despite everything else you're doing to regulate it. Cinnamon supplements, when taken as advised, can have a serious impact on lowering blood glucose levels. It's also not a bad idea to make cinnamon a part of your daily diet to get an additional help with your diabetes.
Take L-carnitine if your diabetes is weight related. L-carnitine is found in our diets when we eat meat and is used, in the body, to help break fat down into energy. This is a great supplement for those with type-2 diabetes who need to lose weight to get their blood glucose levels down and to get their blood triglycerides under control.
Take omega-3's. No matter what, if you have diabetes then you can benefit from the effects of consuming omega-3 fatty acids. The best supplemental source of omega-3 fatty acids for the diabetic can be found in fish oil supplements.
Take daily low-dose aspirin. Those with diabetes are put at a much higher risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. To combat this, begin a low-dose aspirin regimen. Ask your doctor whether this is appropriate for you and what dosage you ought to take.
Take slow-release niacin if your cholesterol is elevated. Many people suffering from diabetes also have trouble with their cholesterol and there's a great deal of evidence that suggests the two conditions may be linked. Slow-release niacin supplements will help to lower your cholesterol levels.