How to Increase Fertility With Vitamins

We all know that vitamins and the food you find them in are good for you. But vitamins are also good for increasing fertility. Read on to learn how you can increase your fertility with the use of certain vitamins.

Things You'll Need

  • Vitamins
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      Consider the use of vitamin C. Men should try to get their daily recommended amounts of vitamin C. Insufficient amounts of vitamin C in a man’s diet can lead to agglutination of the sperm. This condition occurs when sperm cells clump together and slow down or prevent maximum progression or movement of the sperm. Women, however, shouldn't take large doses of vitamin C, because it can dry up cervical fluid and prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Limit the amount you take to the dose included in your prenatal vitamin or to an amount recommended by your doctor.

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      Consider the use of selenium. In men, a diet low in selenium can be a cause of infertility. Selenium helps to prevent oxidation of sperm cells, and aids in maintaining good sperm cell quality. Good sources of selenium are red meat, chicken liver and some seafood. The recommended amount for selenium is 70 micrograms per day for an adult male. It is recommended that you do not exceed this daily amount. Selenium, if taken in large enough amounts, can be life threatening or have serious long-term health effects. Women should consult with their doctor before starting a selenium regimen.

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      Consider the use of vitamin E. Vitamin E can be great for fertility and reproduction when taken properly. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that plays an important role in male sperm production. A diet low in vitamin E can cause a low sperm count. Low levels of vitamin E can also cause a drop in the production of key sex hormones and enzymes responsible for sperm production. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor before starting Vitamin E or any other supplement or regimen, particularly if you are currently taking aspirin or blood thinners. Vitamin E also has positive properties for women as well, but before taking it in regular doses, contact your doctor.

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