How to Identify a Copper Deficiency
Consider the possibility of a copper deficiency if you suffer from osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. Although other conditions also result in bone loss, a copper deficiency may exacerbate the problem.
Make a note of your energy level on a daily basis. Along with chronic fatigue and a general lack of energy, you may experience paleness of the skin and a loss of appetite. If these symptoms continue, check with your physician.
Have a blood test to pinpoint a copper deficiency if you are a vegetarian and you don’t consume substantial amounts of nuts, peas or whole grains. Red meat and seafood are good sources of copper but you can also receive adequate amounts of the mineral by eating plenty of nuts, legumes and unprocessed cereals.
Pay attention to the growth rate of your infant if you are not nursing. Cows milk, alone, does not supply copper but your baby will receive adequate amounts if you’re breastfeeding. Check with your baby’s doctor before beginning a copper replacement regimen for your infant. In addition, attend frequent prenatal exams and have your blood tested to ensure your body has a sufficient level of copper for your baby’s healthy development.
Notice excessive hair loss when brushing or combing your hair. Although it’s normal to lose more hair during warm weather, if you find a much larger amount of hair on your brush for more than one month, you may be suffering from a copper deficiency.
Visit your doctor for a blood test if you experience the above signs of a copper deficiency in conjunction with diarrhea, weakness and depression. Not all symptoms may be present, depending upon the level of the deficiency.