How to Make The Ultimate Muscle-Building Shake
Things You'll Need
- 1 cup of fresh or frozen srawberries
- <br>1/2 of banana
- <br>3/4 of a cup of skim milk
- <br>1 cup of ice cubes
- <br>1 scoop of whey powder
- <br>1 scoop of creatine powder
- <br>1/2 cup of cranberry juice
- <br>High-powered blender
Add one cup of fresh or frozen strawberries to the blender. Strawberries contain a wide range of nutrients, with vitamin C leading the way. They also contain levels of photonutrients and antioxidants that fight free radicals, which help damage cells that contribute to the formation of different kinds of cancer.
Split a banana with your co-worker, roommate, or family member. Take your half and place it in the blender. Bananas are unbeatable when it comes to providing a healthy, vitamin rich snack in one package. Potassium is available in abundance in bananas and promote good muscle health. They are also recommended as part of a diet that helps reduce cholesterol. Bananas are easy to digest and can therefore be readily converted into energy for use in the body.
Add 1/2 cup of cranberry juice to the blender. Cranberry juice is a tasty, refreshing fruit drink, but many people do not realize that it is also quite healthy. Rich with vitamin C, the high amount of acid and other components in cranberry juice will break down and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Add 3/4 cup of skim milk to the blender. Skim milk should be used instead of whole milk. Mixing powder with whole milk will create a shake that will have more fat.
Add one cup of ice cubes to the blender, as they will provide chill to the shake.
Add one scoop of whey powder to the blender. Whey powder has a rich source of amino acids that are needed on a daily basis by the body. In its purest form, whey powder contains little to no fat, lactose or cholesterol.
Add one scoop of creatine powder to the blender. Creatine powder increases the body's ability to produce energy rapidly. With more energy, you will be able to train harder and produce faster results. Creatine powder is most effective in high-intensity training and sports that require short burst of effort, such as sprinting, football, and baseball.
High-powered blenders are capable of crushing ice without much assistance. With the popularity of making smoothies, some models include a sound-reducing enclosures and computerizing controls. Blend until smooth and serve immediately.