How to Add L-Carnitine to Your Diet
Consider whether or not you should add L-carnitine to your diet at all. If you are someone who struggles with your weight, then it is definitely a wise decision. Likewise, if you're someone who is an athlete, it can only help your performance. Furthermore, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, chances are that you are not getting nearly enough L-carnitine in your diet.
Add L-carnitine through dietary change. This is the simpler and more cost effective of the two methods. Additionally, adding L-carnitine to your diet naturally is definitely more cost effective.
Increase your consumption of beef, pork and bacon as they are the best sources of L-carnitine and will add the highest amount.
Those foods are also calorie-dense, however, and that should be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is important to remember that many other types of foods also include L-carnitine, such as nuts and grains; whole wheats and cereals; fresh fruits and vegetables. Though these foods do not contain high levels of L-carnitine in and of themselves, they often promote its production. For example, consuming appropriate amounts of vitamin C helps the body to naturally boost its own L-carnitine production.
Add L-carnitine as a dietary supplement. Although this may be the more costly of the two available options, adding L-carnitine to your diet via dietary supplements can also be a much simpler method. Likewise, the supplemental forms of L-carnitine contain a negligible amount of calories. For those who don't want to have to consume a lot of extra calories , this may be the optimal method.
The L-carnitine supplements are priced relatively low. Often times, you can find several months supply of generically branded L-carnitine for around $10-15. Anywhere from 200 mg to 500 mg per day is considered a fair supplementary dosage. This compares to the fact that the majority of omnivorous human beings eat between 20 mg to 200 mg per day.