How to Take Omega Acids for Health
Improve heart health and reduce your risks of cardiovascular disease by taking 3 g of omega acids daily. Omega acids affect the movement of ions in and out of cells, ensuring normal heart rate and coronary blood flow. Studies have shown that taking regular omega acid supplements greatly reduces the risk of ventricular fibrillation, tachycardia and arrythmia.
Combat high blood pressure, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis by adding omega acids to your regular diet. Taking omega acids daily can reduce triglycerides in the blood up to 33 percent, reducing the build-up of fats on the arterial walls, helping to eliminate cholesterol from the blood stream and reducing blood pressure over all. For these reasons, taking omega acids can also greatly increase the health of diabetics. For those who already suffer from high cholesterol or blood pressure, diabetes or arteriosclerosis the daily dose should be 4 to 6 g omega acids.
Reduce the frequency of asthma attacks by taking 3 g of omega acids daily. Omega acids have been shown to improve lung function and reduce the inflammatory processes that trigger asthma attacks, helping asthma sufferers to manage their symptoms. During periods when asthma triggers are more powerful, such as the allergens common in spring and summer, you may take as much as 6 g to help manage symptoms.
Take omega acids to improve cognitive function, as research shows fatty acids are an essential element in brain function and development. Taking omega acids can help slow the progression of multiple sclerosis, help prevent dementia and may even help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. A regular dose of 3 g a day over many years will greatly increase you health and help you maintain strong cognitive function; however, doctors often treat existing disorders with up to 10 g of omega acids daily.
Lose more weight by supporting your exercise program with omega acid supplements. Omega acids stimulate enzymes in the body that help you burn fat, which will increase the average number of calories you burn each day. Studies show that taking between 3 to 6 g of omega acids daily combined with gentle aerobic exercise can help you lose weight, especially in the abdominal region.