How to Choose Glucosamine Supplements
Things You'll Need
- Glucosamine supplements
- Glucosamine-Chondroitin supplements
- Physician's recommendation
- Dosage requirements
- Health food store
- Drug store
- Internet access
Consult with your doctor before taking glucosamine supplements. Ask if it will negatively affect any medications you are taking and if there are potential side effects.
Choose a glucosamine supplement that displays a "UPS" (United States Pharmacopeia) stamp, is qualified for a seal of approval from the Consumer Lab and is manufactured by a well known food and drug company.
Decide whether to take your glucosamine supplements in liquid or capsule form. Capsules should have an enteric coating so nutrients will be absorbed, not destroyed in the body.
Consider a supplement that combines glucosamine and chondroitin. This combination is recommended for pain management, particularly in cases of joint injury or inflammation.
Calculate the proper dosage of glucosamine supplements before you begin taking them. Your daily dosage will depend on your weight.
Factor in the cost per day when choosing a glucosamine supplement. Some brands may require you to take three capsules to get the same milligrams found in one capsule of another brand.
Read the label, especially if you are an allergy sufferer, for the presence of allergens, such as wheat, gluten or shellfish. Also look for the words "Research Evidence" and "All Natural Ingredients."
Visit your local health food store to get a first hand look at the various glucosamine supplements available. Take advantage of the employees' expertise if you have questions about the products.
Purchase your glucosamine supplements over the Internet, at a health food store or your local drugstore.