What are the parameters of aldrete scoring?

Aldrete Scoring

The Aldrete score is used to assess patients' recovery after surgery. It assesses the following parameters:

* Activity

* Respiratory function

* Circulation

* Consciousness

Each parameter is scored on a scale of 0-2, with 0 indicating worst performance and 2 indicating the best performance.

Parameter: 0 1 2

Activity level: Unable to move extremities; Moves extremities Normal strength

Respiration: Apneic Dyspneic Normal respirations

Circulation: No palpable pulse/BP < 50 Palpable pulse/BP 50-79 Normal

Consciousness: Unresponsive Responds to verbal commands Oriented

Maximum score: 10

Recovery from anesthesia scores

  • 9–10: Full recovery

  • 8: Adequate recovery

  • 6–7: Significant impairment of recovery

  • 5: Need significant postoperative care/observation (admit to postanesthesia care unit)

  • 4 or less: Inadequate recovery (admit to postanesthesia care unit)

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