Is It Safe for Sixteen-Year-Olds to Take Acai Berry?
Dietary supplements, including acai, can interact with other medications. Experts at WebMd indicate that acai eaten in moderation is considered as safe as any other berry. However, for children or adults who have sensitivity to pollen or to the acai fruit itself, they caution against eating any of the products, as they have the potential to cause an allergic reaction. In addition, because dietary supplements are not regulated as strictly as prescription drugs in the United States, it is important to discuss acai dietary supplement products with your physician before taking them.
Berries of all kinds are high in fiber, antioxidants and nutrients. Although acai berries are well known for being high in antioxidants that help fight the adverse effects of free radicals on the body, the extent of their health benefits have not yet been proven, notes Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky. While many claim acai is a superfood that can reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis and cholesterol, it is not a proven treatment for any medical condition. Teens and their parents should see a doctor to address health concerns before trying to treat an ailment with acai.
Acai Berry Cleanse
An acai berry cleanse operates on the same premise as a majority of colon cleanse products -- removing the buildup of waste in the bowels and colon. Acai Berry Info cautions that not all cleanse products marketed as acai berry are made up of the same components, and few have research to back up their claims. So using acai berry as a cleanse, especially for a young person, should only be done under the direction of your physician.
Acai berry nutrients are frequently processed into tablet form. Acai berry supplements, juices, teas and even gel packets are also available and frequently used as weight-loss products. Because of their high fiber content they can sometimes cause gas, bloating, diarrhea or even nausea. Experts at Acai Berry Info stress that when looking for quality acai berry products, acai pulp or extract should appear as the very top ingredient, with few additives. In addition, the more sugars and artificial ingredients in the product, the more unhealthy it becomes.