Ways to Take Bee Pollen
You can chew bee pollen granules or tablets like food. How it tastes depends on what plant it was harvested from: Some are bitter, and others have a nutty, sweet flavor. (Granules can also be dissolved under your tongue, but it takes a while for them to melt.)
All three forms of bee pollen can be dry swallowed. It's also fine to swallow them with liquid, and any drink of choice -- such as water, tea or milk -- will suffice. If you want to swallow a few tablespoons of granules, don't try to take them all at once. Swallow about one third teaspoon at a time to prevent choking.
Some people mix granules or ground-up tablets -- or drop the liquid pollen from a gelatin capsule -- into food to mask the pollen's taste. Others take it this way because it's convenient. You can toss the supplement into cereals or granola when you eat breakfast, or sprinkle it on salads or into yogurt, soups and applesauce.
Crack open bee pollen capsules and stir the fluid into tea, coffee or other beverages. Drop the liquid pollen into the blender when you make smoothies and shakes. Use the "Liquefy" setting on the blender to grind up solid supplements and mix them with other ingredients.