How to Use MuscleTech
Mix two scoops of Cell-Tech Hardcore with 12 oz. of cold water. Cell-Tech Hardcore is a creatine muscle building supplement. During the first seven days take two servings daily. Take the first serving in the morning, take the second serving after working out. If you are not working out that day you take your second serving 12 hours after the first serving. After the first seven days take one serving after working out, if not working out take the first serving in the morning.
Add one to two scoops of Nitro-Tech Hardcore to four to eight oz. of cold water or skim milk and mix together. Nitro-Tech Hardcore is a whey protein powder supplement for muscle and strength building. For best results consume two servings of Nitro-Tech three times daily for at least six weeks.
Drink one capsule of Hydroxycut Hardcore two times daily for the first two days. Take two capsules, two times daily for days three and four. Beginning on day five and beyond take two capsules, three times daily. Hydroxycut Hardcore is a weight-loss formula. For best results use Hydroxycut Hardcore for 8 to 12 weeks with a calorie-reduced diet and exercise program.