What Are the Oils in Krill Oil?
There are many omega fatty acids, specifically Omega 3, 5, 6, 7 & 9's, but krill oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids. ALA is good for your heart and arteries because it makes your blood cells less "sticky." DHA is great for your eyes and brain, which is why doctors prescribe mothers to take Omega 3 specifically. It has been used to help those with mental disabilities like ADD, ADHD and Alzheimers since the brain is made up mostly of this fat. Finally, EPA is great for the joints, and it aids in relieving much of the inflammation and pain in our joints.
Oxidation occurs when electrons from one molecule are lost, making them unbalanced with an unpaired electron. This can produce free radicals, the substances responsible for skin problems and cell damage. The body, however uses antioxidants to fight free radicals by lending one of its electrons to neutralize the unbalanced electron.
Dietary fats are called lipids, a diverse assortment of molecules containing mainly hydrogen and carbon. One group of lipids is called phospholipids. They additionally contain phosphorus and nitrogen. Phospholipids generally are used medicinally for normal brain function and health. This lipid is so important because a cell in the human body cannot function without it.
Though krill oil generally does not give off a fishy odor, it can still cause an unsettled stomach in some. Before taking any medication or supplement, whether pharmaceutical or natural, speak with a physician about its use. Krill oil has received a tremendous amount of praise for being much smaller than other fish oil gel caps, but be cadreful when taking it or any other supplement.