The Most Effective Ways to Take Acai Berry
Freeze Dried and Pulp
Raw acai berries do not last very long once they are off the tree so all the acai berries you will find have been freeze dried to lock in the majority of nutrients. Berries can be eaten in the same way you would eat raisins, but due to the low-sugar content they can be quite bitter. Acai berry pulp is also available. This is the desiccated part of the berry with the skins removed.
One of the most popular ways of exporting acai berries is as a juice drink. This keeps in nutirients without the risk of berries going rotten prematurely. Since acai berry juice is not very accessible, some people mix other fruit with freeze-dried acai and berry pulp to make smoothies.
Powered health food has been around for a while, but is more commonly associated with protein drinks. Acai powder is common in health food stores and is mixed with shakes and juices.
Acai comes in capsules and is available in most health food stores. Fresh berries are processed, concentrated and put into capsules to preserve most of the nutrients in the same way as other food supplements. The absorbs acai capsules well.
Side Effects
There is no well documented evidence that acai causes any major side effects if taken in appropriate amounts. Excessive use leads to some problems such as stomach cramps and vomiting, but these are temporary and subside when acai over-use is stopped.