Suggested Dosage of Wheatgrass Juice for Humans
Benefits of Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is a convenient way to consume some of the five or more servings of fruit or vegetables per day recommended by American Cancer Society. It contains concentrated amounts of amino acids, calcium, iron, chlorophyll and vitamins A, C and E. A small study conducted in 2002, found wheatgrass to be an effective treatment for ulcerative colitis.
Wheatgrass Juice
Fresh wheatgrass juice is available at health food stores and some juice bars. The suggested serving of wheatgrass juice per day is 1 to 3 oz.
Tablets and Powder
Tablets and powder are a handy alternative to fresh juice because they last longer. The suggested dose of tablets varies so it is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The suggested serving of powder is 1 to 3 tbsp. per day.
Wheatgrass Tea
To make one serving of wheatgrass tea, dissolve one tablespoon of wheatgrass powder into a cup of cold water. It is important that the water is cold to preserve the nutrients.
Wheatgrass in Recipes
In addition to using wheatgrass as a dietary supplement, try it as an ingredient in dips, salads and other recipes.