How to Purchase Bee Pollen
Do your research. Find out as much as you can, from as many different reputable sources as possible, about bee pollen, its potential benefits and possible side effects. For example, Dr. Stephen Barrett warns, "Bee pollen and royal jelly should be regarded as potentially dangerous because they cause allergic reactions." If necessary, consult with your physician before ingesting this or any other supplement.
Shop online. Enter the keywords "buy bee pollen" into your web browser. There will be a large selection of online stores that sell bee pollen. Based on your research, select the stores and brands of pollen you desire.
Purchase at a health food store. Look in your local yellow pages book for health food stores in your vicinity. Call each one and ask if they sell bee pollen. If you've found one you like online, and are able to get it locally, you can potentially save money on shipping costs.
Buy in-person from a local vendor. For the freshest bee pollen available, consider getting it directly from the source -- a bee farm. Type "bee pollen farms" into your web browser for a list of farms throughout the country. Choose a few near you and take a drive to see how its made, and perhaps get a sample before you buy. Some farms also have online stores, so you may be able to reorder on the web.