What Are the Phases of the South Beach Diet?
The South Beach diet does not focus on calorie cutting and limiting choices, but instead emphasizes clean eating with choices such as vitamin rich produce, lean meats and complex carbs.
Phase 1: Eliminate Cravings and Kick-Start Weight Loss
During the first two weeks, the goal of the phase 1 is to eliminate all starches to help curb cravings for sugar and accelerate weight loss. Dieters may eat plenty of lean meats, high fiber vegetables and low-fat cheeses during this phase.
Phase 2: Lose Weight Steadily
Phase 2 is the ideal phase for dieters who need to just shed a few pounds, or do not struggle with massive cravings. During this phase, dieters may consume the healthy food they ate in Phase 1, and add in complex carbs, such whole grain breads and pastas, sweet potatoes, and fruit. During this stage, weight loss may be gradual, and dieters remain there until they have reached an ideal weight.
Phase 3: Maintain for Life
During the maintenance stage, dieters apply the principles of the first 2 phases, and are allowed indulgences in moderation. They have learned how to make a lifestyle change and can follow the plan.
With South Beach, dieters can eat a variety of food, so they are never deprived and do not feel hungry, but they need to practice healthier eating for the plan to be a success.
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