How to Choose Foods for Phase One of the South Beach Diet
Read about the basis for the South Beach Diet either in the original book or at the South Beach Diet website. It's important to understand the reasons for the types of food included in the diet and what makes each one a healthy diet choice.
Search online for foods with a low glycemic index. You can find several different websites with glycemic charts to help your search. Like a low carb diet, the glycemic index is the key to the South Beach Diet.
Make your own food list. Be sure to include foods that you like to eat as well as those you're open to trying. Take your list with you to the grocery store.
Select lean meats such as beef sirloin, chicken and turkey breast, pork tenderloin or seafood. For vegetarians, use low fat tofu, soy based meat substitutes, natural peanut butter or soy nuts to get your protein for the day.
Choose healthy fats like olive oil and canola oil. These are a part of any healthy diet but South Beach urges their use because of their heart healthy benefits.
Buy nonfat milk and nonfat or low fat yogurt for your dairy selections. Low fat or fat free cheese is also an option.
Load your grocery cart with as many vegetables as you can stand. Green leafy ones are the best choice. Stay away from carrots, corn, beets and all varieties of potato.