How to Use Supplements With South Beach Diet
Take a daily multivitamin, which is a good addition to your daily regime regardless of your eating habits. Make sure it provides 100 percent of some of the major vitamins, such as the B vitamins, C, D, E and folic acid. Also look for a range of minerals in your daily vitamin.
Add a 500 mg calcium supplement. If you're a woman over 50, add a 1000 mg supplement to make sure you meet your calcium needs.
Ensure you're getting a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids by using flaxseed oil daily as a supplement, or by taking omega-3 supplements. This essential fatty acid protects heart health.
Include a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil or another psyllium based supplement, while you're on Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. Take the supplement before at least one meal each day to ensure regular bowel movements during this low-carb phase.
Replace snacks with South Beach Living convenience foods such as granola or cereal bars if you would like to. These foods are prepackaged and approved for use on the South Beach Diet. Read the labels carefully to choose snack foods that have the most vitamins and minerals.