How to Compare Refined and Unrefined Carbs
Read the ingredient labels on food products. Educate yourself with regard to the various terms used on carbohydrate foods such as "enriched wheat flour," which is actually refined flour stripped of its vitamins, minerals and fiber, with some of the removed nutrients added back in. While products containing unrefined carbohydrates will list ingredients as "whole" and "unrefined."
Check the fiber content of the food in question. Refined carbohydrates contain less fiber since the processing removes much of the healthy fiber.
Factor in the amount of sugars in the product since unrefined carbohydrates have a lower ratio of sugar to other ingredients. The process of refining concentrates the sugars in the product.
Examine the nutritional-value. Most refined carbs provide a great many empty calories that have few if any nutritional benefits such as vitamins, minerals, good fats and anti-oxidants.