How to Find South Beach Diet Support Groups

South Beach Diet is a weight-loss program that focuses on eating the good carbs. It was created by a heart doctor with the goal of improving his patients' health and it consists of three phases. The first cleans out your system, the second teaches you how to eat good carbs, like whole grain and high fiber bread. When you hit your goal, you move on to Phase 3, for maintenance.


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      Check out South Beach Diet's official website. There are tons of tools on there, including a community of other dieters. You can become a part of the Beach Buddies program, where the site matches you up with other dieters who share some of your same characteristics.

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      Surf the web. There are several South Beach support groups online. One of the more popular groups is hosted by Prevention Magazine. It's been around for years, and so have many of its members. Not only do they offer support, they're experts on the plan.

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      Start your own support group. Get the conversation started with friends and co-workers who complain about being overweight. There is power in numbers. Convince them to start South Beach with you and hold your own weekly meetings. Holding each other accountable goes a long way toward being successful.

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