South Beach Phase 1 Shopping List
Lean proteins, such as chicken, serve as an ideal body fuel, giving you the energy you need without the fat and calories associated with other cuts of meat. Seek boneless, skinless chicken for a healthy Phase I protein option.
Not only is fish low in fat, it is also high in healthy nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids. Purchase unprocessed fish to serve as a protein in your South Beach meals. Prepare this fish by baking or broiling it to ensure that your preparation methods don't degrade the health value of the protein option.
During Phase I of the South Beach Diet, vegetables should be the most abundant food in your daily diet. Purchase an assortment of vegetables, especially bright green vegetables, and use these nutritious meal components as your primary foods. Instead of sticking to one type of vegetable, try an assortment to reduce the likelihood that you tire of these healthful meal elements.
While some dieters shy away from eggs in fear of raising their cholesterol, this protein-rich food is acceptable in Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. Use eggs as a way to start your day. Breakfasts rich in protein not only kick start your metabolism, but also keep you full longer, reducing mid-day snacking.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
While some fats should be eliminated during Phase 1, you can still enjoy the moderate use of good unsaturated fats, such as extra virgin olive oil. Replace your less healthful fats, such as vegetable oil, with this more nutritious alternative during this stage of your diet.
Low Fat Dairy Foods
Dairy foods are a vital dietary component, particularly for women who require calcium-rich diets to prevent bone loss. Select dairy options that are low in fat during Phase 1. Purchase light yogurts, reduced-fat cottage cheese and reduced-fat shredded cheeses to meet your dairy intake needs.