Vitamins for Older Men
Vitamin D
During your later years it is important to keep intake of vitamin D high. Men experience considerable bone loss as they age, according to the, and Vitamin D will aid in calcium absorption, which keeps bones strong. You can find vitamin D in foods including fish, milk and soy milk. A deficiency of this vitamin may lead to weakness in your bones.
B Vitamins
Your body's ability to absorb the B vitamins becomes less as you age, write Alan H. Pressman, and Sheila Buff in their book, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals." Four of these B vitamins are of particular importance.
Thiamine, vitamin B1, is concerned with energy production and important for your muscles, nerves and heart. MedlinePlus advises this vitamin is found in foods including cereals, pasta, whole grains, pork, dried beans, peas, and soybeans.
Riboflavin, vitamin B2, helps your body produce red blood cells and plays a part in nervous system function. You can find this vitamin in milk, eggs, meat, liver and green vegetables.
Pyridoxine, vitamin B6, helps maintain the health of the nervous and immune systems, according to the American Cancer Society. You can find this vitamin in foods including legumes, cheese, eggs, carrots, spinach, potatoes, milk and meat.
Cobalamin, Vitamin B12, plays a role in red blood cell production, nervous system function and folic acid use. You can find this vitamin in foods including fish, meat, cheese, eggs and shellfish. A deficiency of B vitamins may lead to ailments including tiredness, anemia, loss of hair and loss of appetite.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an important antioxidant and protects your body from the effect of free radicals as well as supporting the immune system and your metabolism. You can find this vitamin in foods including leafy greens, margarine, nuts and seeds. A deficiency of this vitamin may, in extreme circumstances, cause impairment of the immune system.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is necessary to help the body correctly form bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels as well as being an antioxidant. You can find this vitamin in foods including fruits and vegetables, in particular citrus fruits.
A deficiency of Vitamin C may, in extreme circumstances, lead to scurvy.