Haematococcus Algae & Wrinkles
Wrinkles are a defect that affects skin as we age. The aging of skin can be promoted by a variety of factors, including skin damage and genetic predisposition. Aging is thought to occur by a process called oxidation. Oxidation occurs when an electron from an element (most commonly oxygen) donates an electron to another substance. When a cell is oxidized in your body, it results in aging or death. This requires replacement through cellular replication. Every time a cell replicates, a substance called a telomere shortens. As the telomere becomes shorter, the possibility increases that the DNA it protects will be oxidized or damaged. By using an antioxidant in Haematococcus algae called Astaxanthin, skin aging and thus wrinkles can be prevented.-
What Is Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. According to Oriflame, it is up to 500 times stronger than vitamin C and 10 times stronger than beta-carotene when used as an antioxidant. It is used in plants to absorb sun energy and protect them from sun damage. Astaxanthin is unique in that is not oxidized when it accepts an electron, since it has an additional two groups of oxygen molecules.
Why Do Haematococcus Algae Produce Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is created in algae as a reaction to extreme sun exposure when water dries up, according to Perricone MD. This is in an effort to prevent death due to the extremely oxidizing properties of the sun. To harvest Astaxanthin from algae, two steps must be taken. First the algae must be exposed to optimal growing conditions, including adequate nutrition, water and light. After this first stage, water and nutrients are removed, and the algae is exposed to intense sunlight. Over 40 grams of Astaxanthin is produced for every kilo of dry biomass.
Can Astaxinthin Reduce Wrinkles?
According to a study by Yamashita, women who consumed 4 mg of Astaxanthin a day for four weeks showed significant wrinkle reduction compared to the placebo group. Another study exposed hairless rats to UV radiation each day. A topical solution of Astaxanthin was applied after each exposure to the exposed skin. The mice showed a significant reduction in wrinkles when compared to those who received no Astaxanthin.
How Does Astaxanthin Improve Skin Quality?
Astaxanthin protects and improves the skin in several ways. It reduces inflammation, reduces and prevents the presence of wrinkles, produces firmer and more elastic skin, and even serves to reduce the risk of skin cancer, according to In-Cosmetics. Many skin products try to cover up damage done to the skin. Astaxanthin effectively repairs and prevents it. By improving the formation of collagen, protecting against oxidative stress and preventing damage of DNA, Astaxanthin effectively addresses each issue concerning the premature aging of skin, according to Oriflame. Astaxanthin goes to the root of the problem by increasing overall health, which reflects itself in better skin health.
Overall Health Benefits of Astaxanthin
Astaxanthin has many other benefits besides the prevention of wrinkles in the skin. It can help prevent oxidative damage from LDL-cholesterol,helps improve the immune system by increasing anti-body cell count, and reduces the chance of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's or Parkinsons disease, according to Phytochemicals. The substance has also shown anti-cancer effects stronger than beta-carotene.