Turnips on the South Beach Diet
Dr. Arthur Agatston developed the South Beach Diet in the early 1990s to help his cardiac patients avoid heart attacks and strokes. His nutritional plan emphasizes a balanced diet of high-fiber carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and foods with a low glycemic index. This diet consists of three phases, each with different foods allowed. Turnips are accepted during all phases of South Beach, and here are some ways to incorporate them into your diet.-
Low-Carb Turnips and Greens
Low-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed in the South Beach Diet, especially during Phase 1 (the beginning stage that helps a dieter overcome carbohydrate cravings). According to NutritionData.com, 1 cup turnips has only 8 grams of carbs. Turnip greens are also allowed in Phase 1 because they are also low-carb. During this phase, chop some turnip greens into a salad or use the greens in place of bread to make snack wraps.
Turnips: Non-Soluble Fiber
The South Beach Diet also encourages the intake of fiber--primarily, soluble fiber, which is mostly absorbed by the body, but also nonsoluble fiber, which passes through the body largely intact. Some nutritionists believe that nonsoluble fiber may help reduce the risk of colon cancer and maintain bowel function. Turnips are listed as a good nonsoluble fiber choice, according to LifeClinic. During Phase 2 of South Beach, try a healthy recipe such as "Roasted Turnips with Balsamic Vinegar" (see the Resources section for a link).
Turnips Have a Medium Glycemic Index
The glycemic index, a scale from zero to 100, measures the effect of carbohydrates on the body's blood sugar level. Turnips are listed as a medium glycemic index vegetable (20 to 60). South Beach dieters are encouraged in Phase 1 to avoid vegetables that have a high glycemic index, such as carrots, green peas, beets, corn, and white potatoes. To combat a white potato craving, you can boil and mash turnips as you would to make regular mashed potatoes.