What to Eat on the First Phase of the South Beach Diet
Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet includes many proteins and good fats. The phase is formulated to have the lowest type of glycemic index carbs, which will help the dieter feel satisfied after meals, ensure you are not hungry throughout the day and also help control blood sugar.
Phase I allows dieters to enjoy meals of lean beef, lamb with the visible fat removed, chicken, fish and shellfish, and turkey. More specifically, swordfish, lean bacon, Canadian ham, Cornish hen, smoked salmon, tuna and turkey breast are all healthy options. Soy-based meat substitutes can be eaten as well.
Phase I also includes eggs, nuts, cheese and salads with 100% olive oil as dressing. Caesar salads and low-fat cottage cheese are good options when dining out. Certain nuts are also allowed to be enjoyed in moderation, and you can drink as much water as you want during the day and night.
Phase 1 does not limit the amount of food you can eat, but meals should be normal in size and satisfy hunger; overeating is discouraged. Dieters are encouraged to have snacks in the mid-morning and in the mid-afternoon to further curb hunger throughout the day.
The protein allowances in Phase 1 are generous, and if followed with the other guidelines, weight loss is estimated to be between eight and 13 pounds during the two-week course.
Vegetables & Dairy
All vegetables except beets, carrots, corn, potatoes and yams are allowed during Phase 1. These can be fresh, canned without added sugar or frozen, and legumes are included. The vegetables can be prepared in a number of ways such as raw, steamed or oven-baked. Some vegetable dishes to enjoy are Asian coleslaw, spinach stuffed mushrooms and veggie quiche.
Be sure to limit your intake of vegetable juice to six ounces a day, and cheese must be fat-free or low-fat. Dairy products such as milk also need to be low-fat at one percent or fat-free. Or for something a little different, try soy milk as a tasty alternative to skim.
Meal Allowances
South Beach Diet meals consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Dieters must eat every meal and not skip a meal or snack. This will keep you feeling full and without hunger throughout the day.
Breakfast allows unlimited protein and at least a half cup of vegetables; one teaspoon of mayonnaise or oil is optional. Lunch and dinner each allow unlimited protein, at least two cups of vegetables and one tablespoon of mayonnaise or oil.
Caffeine beverages are limited to one to two servings per day. Coffee and tea are allowed as much as desired, but make sure to drink decaf after your second serving of the day.