South Beach Diet Foods to Eat
Phase 1
In Phase 1, you should avoid baked goods, cereal, full-fat dairy products, flour, fruit, fruit juice, pasta, and rice. Also avoid fat-free mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, ketchup, honey mustard, or any condiments made with sugar or corn syrup.
Eggs and egg substitutes are permitted.
Fat-free or 1 percent milk, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, reduced-fat cheese, and low-fat soy milk are fine, but should be limited to two servings daily.
All fresh, smoked or canned seafood (including shellfish) is allowed. Remember to prepare the fish in a healthy manner. Steaming, roasting, sautéing, baking, and grilling are all good methods.
Choose lean meats like sirloin, tenderloin, top loin, eye round, round tip, lean pork chops, boiled ham, Canadian bacon, turkey bacon, veal, chicken breast, Cornish hen, and turkey breast are permitted. All meat substitutes are allowed, but try to stick with low-fat choices. Limit your consumption of regular bacon or sausage. Stick with low-fat or fat-free luncheon meats.
Avoid beets, sweet potatoes, carrots, yams, and potatoes. Otherwise, all vegetables and legumes are allowed. Green leafy veggies are preferable.
Nuts are fine, but limited to ¼ cup daily.
All healthy oils like olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, and walnut oil are permitted.
Choose no-calorie sugar substitutes and limit your sugar-free sweet treats to no more than 75 calories daily.
Prepared soups should be either clear broth or reduced-fat bean soup.
Beverages such as water, club soda, seltzer, diet soda, vegetable juice, coffee, and tea are all permitted. Limit yourself to no more than two caffeinated beverages daily.
Choose any spices which do not contain sugar.
Phase 2
Phase 2 allows you to slowing reintroduce healthy carbohydrates. Read labels to ensure you are getting no added sugar, whole grain, or whole wheat products. According to the South Beach Diet Cookbook, you should limit yourself to one to two starches daily and try to pair carbohydrates with protein.
Old fashioned oatmeal is allowed. If choosing a cold cereal, look for whole grains and no added sugar.
You can now include artificially sweetened nonfat yogurt (limited to 4 ounces daily).
You can also use whole wheat, buckwheat, rye, and barley flour.
Reintroduce fruits such as apples, kiwi, mangoes, oranges, cherries, berries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, apricots, and grapes. Avoid bananas, canned fruits, raisins, watermelon, and pineapple.
You can now include pastas made with whole wheat flour as well as wild rice, brown rice, and basmati rice.
Add sweet potatoes, yams, and carrots to your veggie consumption. Continue to avoid white potatoes, corn, and beets.
Your beverage choices remain similar; however, you can now add one to two glasses of wine with your meals.
Phase 3
In Phase 3, you can reintroduce "normal" foods. Approximately 28 percent of your daily calorie intake can be derived from carbohydrates, allowing you to eat nearly anything you want within moderation. Potatoes, pastas, and breads are all fine. Choose whole grains and healthy fats over processed products and refined sugars and flour.